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Parents4Pot: New SF Group Defending Parents Who Smoke Marijuana

There’s a new group for parents, but this one is also all about weed. Parents4Pot, a San Francisco-based movement formed by weed activist Mickey Martin (of Tainted, Inc. fame), is trying to prove not just that parents who smoke pot are okay, but that they’re better than most.

parents4pot“‘Dad ate all the potato chips again’ is always better than ‘dad is passed out on the front lawn again,'” the group posted on their Facebook page. Their view is that medical marijuana is much safer than many other habits or substances out there and doesn’t make one an inattentive parent.

One of the main arguments pot advocates make is that marijuana is safer than alcohol. And yet there’s a big difference between brewing beer and cultivating marijuana, at least as far as the law is concerned.

“Cannabis is less toxic than tobacco, alcohol, or any number of household plants that people have lying around their house,” said California NORML’s Dale Gieringer. “Cannabis won’t even get you high in its raw leaf form – it needs to be activated by heat.”

“We believe we can use that same argument to end prohibition once and for all,” he told SF Weekly. “Why are we taking their parents away for a safe, enjoyable and helpful plant? Why are we arresting poor and minority kids for pot at alarming rates and destroying less fortunate communities?”

“We hope to formulate this reasoning into a powerful statement against the drug warriors who continue to push mass incarceration by using cannabis as an easy way to fill jail cells,” he added. “We are the community and we will no longer stand to be treated like lesser citizens because we smoke pot.”

It remains to be seen how Parents4Pot will organize events in the future, but we’ll keep you updated.

About Matt Brooks

Based in San Francisco, Matt is a journalist who has specialized in marijuana policy for more than five years. He provides regular news coverage on and

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