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Sacramento County

MMJ Businessman Sentenced to 5 Years

A prominent MMJ businessman who ran several dispensaries in Central California was sentenced to five years in prison this month, according to the Associated Press. Matthew Davies, 35, reached a plea deal with prosecutors that spared him a possible 15 year sentence. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to manufacture and distribute marijuana, manufacturing marijuana, and distributing marijuana through his businesses ...

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1st Ever California Women’s Cannabis Conference

Our friends at NORML are doing a special event tomorrow, Saturday, November 16th. Well, more specifically the NORML Women’s Alliance is running things. They’re throwing the 1st California Women’s Cannabis Conference, an all day event in Wilton, CA. Currently the NORML Women’s website lists a tentative speaker list as: Keynote: DeeDee Kirkwood – Creator of “Toke” the play and movie ...

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