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Home » California Counties » Sierra County

Sierra County

Sierra County is located in California’s Sierra Nevada region. The county is situated just to the Sacramento’s northeast and shares borders with Nevada. In the 2010 census, the population of Sierra County was estimated at 3,240, which is a slight decrease from the 3,555 population estimated during the 2000 census. The seat of the county is Downieville.

Possession Laws in Sierra County

Sierra CountyMarijuana possession in Sierra County is a decriminalized offense which is considered simply as a civil infraction. The only penalty for such an offense is a $100 fine. However, offenders possessing more than 28.5 grams of marijuana may face a 6-month jail term and a $500 fine.

Marijuana Cultivation Policy

Under California laws that apply to Sierra County residents, the only persons legally allowed to cultivate and process marijuana are medical marijuana patients (after securing a doctor’s prescription and a state-issued marijuana ID card) and caregivers of such patients. Legal dispensaries are also allowed to operate in Sierra County under state law, although they are limited to maintaining a certain number of plants per patient. Current laws place the legal limit to 6 mature plants or 12 immature plants and 8 ounces of bud or quantity approved by the doctor. Caregivers are also limited to this amount of marijuana for every patient in their care.

Marijuana Distribution Laws in Sierra County

In Sierra County as in most counties in California, the sale of marijuana is illegal unless it is by a licensed medical marijuana dispensary. The unauthorized sale of marijuana in Sierra County is a felony, for which the offender may be sentenced to 2 to 4 years in prison. If the marijuana is sold to a minor, the sentence may be increased to 3 to 5 years. Individuals under the age of 21 who are found guilty of any of the above offenses may also have their driver’s licenses revoked for a period of one year.

One comment

  1. Tuolumne county is forming a word group to come up with an ordinance. Would you please help me with pertinent details to submit as suggestions?

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