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San Diego County

Kids of MMJ Users Taken by Government

San Diego Reconsidering Dispensaries

In another case of official abuse sparked by marijuana use, a California man is suing local officials who took his children for a year solely because he uses legal medical pot. Michael Lewis and his wife, Lauren Taylor, are suing San Diego County, the City of Coronado, and nine cops for seizing his two children, then ages two and four, ...

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Pot Smoker “Forgotten” by DEA wins $4.1m

LA Closes Dispensaries

A college student whose bloody, urine-drinking ordeal at the hands of the Drug Enforcement Agency became a national scandal has scored a multimillion dollar settlement from the federal government without even filing a lawsuit. Daniel Chong, a student at UC San Diego, was detained by agents from the DEA following a party in April 2012 at which he admitted to ...

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Future Bleak for California Clinics

Future Bleak for California Clinics

Around the country, medical marijuana is booming and retail dispensaries are opening in increasing numbers. Medical pot shops are now allowed in Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico and 10 other states. The growing number of dispensaries across the United States offers badly needed access to patients. Many of them aren’t able to grow their own marijuana, as they were required to ...

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San Diego Reconsidering Dispensaries

San Diego Reconsidering Dispensaries

A proposal to allow medical marijuana dispensaries in large areas of San Diego was sent back to the drawing board, but opponents are still planning to fight efforts to open the door to pot clinics in the city. Mayor Bob Filner proposed a medical pot ordinance this spring that would have permitted dispensaries in several zones around the city. This ...

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